Jokes about mute swans
Here are some jokes I have invented about swans
Here they are.
1. Why did the Mute Swan cross the road?
Because it SWANted to.
2. Three Swans walk into a bar,
The bar man says would you like the bill?
The swans say thanks but we have already got a bill each.
Knock Knock
Who is there?
No answer
Oh it must be A mute swan.
4. What is a Mute Swans favorite Letter?
S, as it has a s shaped neck.
5. What do you call a swan's wizard wand?
A swand.
6. What swan is the best for celebrating
A Whooper Swan.
7. What swan could be good at Jazz?
A Trumpeter Swan
Anagrams of Mute Swan include Wants Emu..
mute swan book